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Graduate Assistants

Partners in Sports Graduate Assistants have helped sustain the growth and development of Partners in Sports by devoting countless hours to the organization. They manage all day-to-day aspects of Partners including the membership directory and communicating with the members. They also oversee the Speaker Series, Spring Reception, Scholarship Golf Tournament, and plan all special events.

YearGraduate Assistant
1996-97Tim Mack
1997-98Tim Mack
1998-99Sean Nolan
1999-00Sean Nolan
2000-01Ryan Prowell
2001-02Lance Jauron
2002-03Amber Ayub (Gates)
2003-04Zach Pretzer
2004-05Zach Pretzer
2005-06Brian Rice
2006-07Brian Rice
2007-08Neil Bishop
2008-09Neil Bishop
2009-10Josh Pate
2010-11Josh Pate
2011-12Josh Pate
2012-13Landon Huffman
2013-14Landon Huffman
2014-15Will Crockett
2015-16Will Crockett
2016-17Emily Corley (Sleadd)
2017-18Emily Corley (Sleadd)
2018-19Sarah Schwartz
2019-20Sarah Schwartz
2020-21Cade Ramsey
2021-22Cade Ramsey
2022-23Tyler Zaubi
2023-24Ally (Lanier) Davis
2024-25Ally (Lanier) Davis

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.

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