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Bachelor’s Degree History

1975Classes related to Sport Management appeared in the Undergraduate Catalog as early as 1975 with the Administration of Athletics class. There was also a Sport in Society class among the course listing in the Department of Physical Education.
1981Dr. Buck Jones joins the faculty as the chair for the Physical Education Division in School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. He is instrumental in the development and growth of the Sport Management program.
1983Dr. Joy DeSensi joins the faculty as an lecturer in the department. She is part of the team that wrote the curriculum for Sport Management at Tennessee in 1993 as well as the standards for Sport Management programs for the North American Society for Sport Management.
1984Sports Management appears in the Undergraduate Catalog as a curricular area for the first time. Students majored in Physical Education with a concentration in Sports Management. The program was housed in the Department of Physical Education. A concentration in Sports Communications is also offered.
1988Sports Management becomes an Interdisciplinary Program. The program spans both the Department of Physical Education and the Department of Health, Leisure and Safety. Students major in either Physical Education or Recreation with a concentration in Sports Management. Sports Communication becomes Sport Communication and the concentration is still available in the Department of Physical Education.
1990The curricular area becomes Sport Management. It remains an Interdisciplinary Program housed in the Department of Physical Education as well as Health, Leisure and Safety.
1991The Department of Physical Education is renamed the Department of Human Performance and Sport Studies. The program remains an Interdisciplinary Program. The major is now Human Performance and Sports Studies or Recreation and Leisure Studies with a concentration in Sport Management.
1992The concentration in Sports Communication is dropped as an option.
1993Sport Management becomes a stand alone major and is no longer a concentration. It is also no longer an Interdisciplinary Program and is housed solely in the Department of Human Performance and Sport Studies.
1994More department reconfiguration places the program in the Department of Sport and Physical Activity.
1998Partners in Sports is formally established April 30, 1998.
1999The program becomes an Intercollegiate Program. It is housed in the Department of Sport and Physical Education in the College of Education and the Department of Health, Leisure and Safety Sciences in the College of Human Ecology. Students earn a B.S. in Education with a major in Sport Management.
2000The program moves back to being housed only in the College of Education and is in the newly formed Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management. Students earn a BS in Education with a major in Sport Management.
2003The College of Education and College of Human Ecology merge to form the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. Sport Management is now housed in the Department of Sport and Leisure Studies.
2005The program rejoins Exercise Science in the newly created Department of Exercise, Sport, and Leisure Studies. Students still earn a major in Sport Management and a Bachelor’s of Science in Education.
2010More department and program reorganization in the college results in the formation of the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies. Students now earn a major in Recreation and Sport Management with a concentration in Sport Management.
2021Degree name change from Bachelor’s of Science in Education to Bachelor’s of Science in Recreation & Sport Management with a concentration in Sport Management.
2024Sport Management minor is established.
2025Degree name change from Bachelor’s of Science in Recreation & Sport Management with a concentration in Sport Management to a Bachelor’s of Science in Sport Management.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.

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